Welcome to the new homepage!
Finally the new style system and design of the page have arrived to "index", now I have in my sights to do the same in the Dev Log, it shouldn't take that long... With the themes done, the site remodeling and various other things, according to me I can now start doing the "About Me" section, so... Action is coming to the site, stay tuned :)
That's great, but how do I get around the site now?
It's a piece of cake, use the great navigation bar below the page logo, now I'll tell you what it does what now:
- The lil' house (☗) will take you back to this page
- ¿Hablas español, y acabaste aquí por accidente? Presiona el círculo (○ ES) para volver al sitio en español
- The "Current Theme" part allows you to switch between various themes around the site
- The cat face (⚞°ꙍ°⚟) is the "About Me" session (which by the way is being scripted right now)
- The little piece of paper (⎙) takes you to the Dev Log of the page (which I will try to keep updated)
With this information you should be able to move freely around the site now, I hope it helps you :3